Art and Technology are Friends

What! Aurora 18×18!

I know I just announced the Aurora 9×18 mk2 to be arriving soon. However I’ve also been working on this big brother to Aurora 9×18 – Aurora 18×18. I’ve finished the prototyping and finalized the design. The above is the composite image of the final design. (outside diameter is 7 inches)

I couldn’t wait any longer to share it with you.

Please note that those are prototypes in this video. Two of them are slightly different, and the final version will be very much like between the two (as far as the LED layout is concerned).

Like Aurora 9×18 mk2, Aurora 18×18 has infrared remote control receiver, so you can use any remote controllers that can control Sony TVs to control Aurora 18×18 – mode/pattern change, speed control, pause, and power on/off. (All universal remote controllers I know can control Sony TV)

Provision for the optional audio interface is also there. (Update: here’s the video and the pics.)

Here are the specs:

  • PIC24FV16KA304 microcontroller
  • GP1UX311QS or equivalent IR remote receiver
  • 324 x 5mm RGB LEDs (common-cathode)
  • 3 x MOS FETs
  • 18 x NPN BJTs (Transistors)
  • A push button switch
  • Requires DC 5V, 500mA power supply (1A capacity recommended. USB power is ok)
  • Board diameter is 7 inches

(More technical info is here.)

Now I need your help to bring Aurora 18×18 into self assemble kits like other Aurora’s. In order to do that I need a small capital to start the production of PCBs, etc. So I’m offering a “pre-order” deal to speed things along.

Please view the post here about the pre-order deal. Hope you can help.

One Response

  1. brandon

    awesome! how exciting

    March 18, 2012 at 7:21 pm

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