Art and Technology are Friends

Aurora 9×18 and Aurora 18×18 pre-order deals

*** These pre-order deals have ended on midnight(EST) of April 8th (Sun).
Please refer to the current pricing here. ***

I have finalized the designs of new Aurora 9×18 mk2 and Aurora 18×18. Developing these things takes a lot of effort, time and of course, money.
I really want to make those Aurora’s available as kits, however I need a small capital to do so quickly. Otherwise I’d have to wait.

So here’s the deal, I will offer those kits at 20% discount until I have them shipping. Once the kits are in, the final prices will be $179 for Aurora 9×18, and $289 for Aurora 18×18. (At the worst case where I could not deliver those kits, your money will be refunded. PayPal will offer protection against non-delivery, so rest assured.)
I’m really hoping that with your help, these kits will be shipping within 4 weeks.

IMPORTANT: Like all other kits I sell, PIC microcontrollers are not preprogrammed. You need a compatible PIC programmer such as PICkit 3, ICD2/3, etc. to program the PIC. (PICkit 2 does not support the newer PICs used on those Aurora’s.) This is due to the fact that surface mount PIC need to be soldered to a PCB before being programmed.

Aurora 9X18 mk2 kit

Aurora 18X18 kit

Audio Interface for Aurora

9 Responses

  1. Paul

    This is a wonderful project and I agree with you completely about making and keeping jobs in the US. I would absolutely buy one of the 18 x 18 kits except that it’s a little small. I am thinking of buying the circuits and spacing out the leds a little farther on my board.

    April 6, 2012 at 2:45 am

  2. Blayne Overman


    Just a note to let you know how much I appreciate your work. Years ago I made a spiral of Archimedes that was non-cpu controlled but used solid state components on a 25″ by 25″ painted Masonite board that used up-down counters and 555 timer… I loved it but never assembled into a display case…I would love to purchase the 18×18 kit, but I have been unemployed for almost 3 years, 60 years old, and no job prospects in site. If you ever need someone to assemble a kit, I would love to do it. Maybe one day my financial situation will improve so I can purchase one from you. Good luck on raising the capital to get this project going.

    Blayne Overman

    April 5, 2012 at 5:48 pm

    • Thank you so much for your warm comment.
      I’ve been self-employeed for as long as I can remember. Never been rich nor I will ever be, but I feel blessed to be able to get by. Sad to hear about your situation. I’ve been thinking strongly that the current trend of offshoring job in favor of short sighted cost saving is wrong in so many levels. One of my dream is to establish a local business that employes local workforce, and encourages the local (as in USA) production of goods. We need to get back that national pride in people.
      (sorry I got side tracked…)
      Your project sounds interesting – there’s something to be said about the way old electronics worked. I’d love to see some pics of it.


      April 5, 2012 at 6:17 pm

  3. Bob

    Is it possible that you could point me to a site that instructs in hardware and how to program. Is io too late to preorder. How large Diameter is 9×18. Thanks. Bob B

    April 1, 2012 at 9:49 pm

    • I can’t find a good site, but it’s quite straight forward to program the PIC.
      First you need ICD2, ICD3 or PICKit 3. I recommend PICKit 3 as it’s the most cost effective tool. You can find the clones, but I have not experience with them so try at your own risk.
      Once you got a PICKit 3, install the IDE software that comes with it. (Windows or Mac required.) Then open the HEX file that I provide in IDE, connect the PICKit 3 to the Aurora (there’s a 5 pin connector on it), and let IDE do the programming. Oh you need to connect the power supply to the Aurora as well. Programming usually takes about 30 seconds, and IDE will tell you if it was successful.

      Diameter of Aurora 9×18 is 4.3 inches.

      After-all, the programming is the least difficult part of the assembly process. Soldering all of the tiny SMD parts is the hardest. If you haven’t done any SMD soldering in the past, I strongly recommend doing some practice. Temperature controlled soldering iron is also highly recommended.

      With some practice, and good patience, then taking time, you can finish assembling Aurora 9×18.

      It’s not too late to pre-order…


      April 1, 2012 at 10:48 pm

  4. BrownMuffin

    Will you sell pcb’s separate?


    March 27, 2012 at 5:55 pm

    • I think I will.
      I will add the purchase buttons soon.


      March 27, 2012 at 6:37 pm

  5. Hey, what about shipping to Germany?

    March 18, 2012 at 1:48 pm

    • International shipping would be $17, and it’ll be added automatically at the checkout. Please note that this shipping method does not offer insurance, not to mention it’s very slow! So please ask me if you are concerned. (My tracking record to Germany has been good though…)


      March 18, 2012 at 2:00 pm

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