Art and Technology are Friends

Mini USB Power Adapter

Here’s an inexpensive and small USB power adapter perfect for DYI project that needs 5V DC power.

As you might be able to tell from the pictures, this is _not_ an Apple product. It’s an cheap knock off (I’ll be honest) and doesn’t charge iPhones or iPads! (Works with some, but please do not try.) However it works pretty well as DC 5V power supply. Rated for 1A max, but I recommend using this with only up to 500mA or so, just to be safe.

This adapter works perfectly well with Aurora 9 bar, Aurora mini 18 and Aurora 9×18 mk2. Works ok with Aurora 18×18 (the LED shimmers a tiny bit, due to the voltage dropping as the current increases).

*** Purchase Here ***

One Response

  1. Mad Cat

    This 5V power adapter is only good to about 200 mA. At 300 mA, the voltage is 4.5V and it quickly goes downhill from there. Two samples were tested (and I’m sure it’s the same product because all the serial numbers are the same).

    I cracked one open out of curiosity. A solder ball fell out, about 1/8″ size, big enough to cause trouble and it shouldn’t have been there. Other than that I didn’t see any quality problems. But now I see why this type of product design can easily injure people; there’s very little isolation and it’s not hermetically sealed. So use in a damp environment or submersion even briefly can cause a short circuit that results in a dangerous condition, especially if used at 220VAC.

    December 27, 2013 at 10:02 pm

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