Art and Technology are Friends

Color Organ Triple Deluxe II

Just finished this project, and published the instructables.

More info here

10 Responses

  1. moe

    Well the reason I asked for car amp is because in my car I have a 400W amp with a 12″ sub, and I have 6 stripes of blue LEDs that flash with the beat of the base, and they become bright and dim depending on the intensity of the bass. So I was thinking that I get a 3-4 channel amp rated at like 50w or so, and the low, mid, and high would be the input and the out put would go to my LED array.

    January 30, 2013 at 4:47 pm

    • That’s not completely a bad idea, but audio amps can only amplify audio signals, so you will need 3 band crossover to do the job.
      My color organ is not made to output filtered audio signals without some modifications.


      January 31, 2013 at 1:50 pm

  2. moe

    What would you recommend I use to boost the power? An speaker amp? Such as a car amp?

    January 30, 2013 at 3:25 pm

    • No audio amps can’t help. You need a device that can control LEDs with analog voltage.
      I’m actually developing a high-power version of Color Organ that can control 5A or more. Don’t have the ETA yet though…


      January 30, 2013 at 3:30 pm

  3. moe

    Well according to the amp, it allows fading, but if flashing is all it does, that will be fine with me. Also, I was not planning on using the led strips, I am buy the 300 individual LEDs and some PCBs and I am going solder them on the board.

    Thank you

    January 30, 2013 at 3:00 pm

    • RGB amps that I know can only do on or off, but using with PWM dimmer, you get fades.
      If you apply analog voltage, RGB dimmers can only do on/off.

      January 30, 2013 at 3:28 pm

  4. moe

    I am planning on using a RGB amplifier to boost the output coming out of this circuit to be able to run 300 LEDs (100 red, 100 blue, 100 green). The amplifier I am planning on using is a common Anode, so my question is that, is this circuit common Anode or common cathode?

    Thank you

    January 30, 2013 at 6:35 am

    • It’s neither common anode or cathode, as those are regular LEDs. However, it’s kind of like common anode in a sense that the anode side is connected to the power supply.
      I don’t think you can use RGB amplifier made for 12V or 24V LED strips, since those are made for PWM control. If you manage to connect analog output from the Color Organ, you will only get the RGB strip to go on and off, no gradations in between…


      January 30, 2013 at 12:56 pm

  5. I am thinking of buying your “Color Organ Triple Deluxe II” however I want to change the light layout and I want to see if you see any problems with my idea. I want to mount the lights side by side on a seperate board so I will have a light bar 1″ high and 12 or more inches long. I attach it to the kit circuit board with wire. What do you think?

    Jerry Stoper

    P.S. I also sent an email saying the same thing

    January 15, 2013 at 10:09 pm

    • That sounds fine to me. As long as you connect up to 3 LEDs in series with a resistor, and parallel 2 or 3 of them, you will be fine. This way you can have maximum of 9 LEDs each channel, 27 LEDs total.


      January 16, 2013 at 12:42 am

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