Art and Technology are Friends

Aurora 9 bar

Since the introduction of Aurora 9×18, I received many requests for the kits and PCBs. I’m still quite undecided about making those available for a few reasons. However I really want other LED lovers (ok that sounds too much :) to be able to build one themselves.

So I came up with Aurora 9 bar. It’s a bare essential version of Aurora 9×18. In fact the circuit is almost exactly the same (with a lot less number of LEDs of course). Even the firmware is essentially the same. So it has the same super smooth color fades as Aurora 9×18.

You can now build Aurora 9 bar yourself! Details are at Instructables:

4 Responses

  1. Jeff Easter

    Have you thought of converting the bar to a propeller? Wouldn’t this give us something like the original functionality? Maybe using two bars instead of one, I think that has possibilities….

    July 25, 2011 at 2:54 pm

  2. Steven Zukerman

    What frequency does the Aurora 9 bar’s
    microcontroller operate at?

    July 22, 2011 at 11:47 pm

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