Art and Technology are Friends

New “Preprogrammed” PIC option for Aurora

I realize that many people just want to assemble Aurora kits without having to purchase a PIC programmer. Now I added options to have the PIC microcontroller preprogrammed when you purchase the kits.

Note: PIC IC will be soldered to the PCB in order to be programmed.

Aurora 9×18 mk2 Kit and PCB

Aurora 18×18 Kit and PCB


2 Responses

  1. Bruno

    Since I don’t know assembly, only C programming, would you mind helping me understand a little more of your project?

    What is the actual PWM frequency? Following the color chart given on instructables, do you really only use 255 steps of the PWM or you use all the 12 bits step?

    Because, if you have a refresh rate of 246 Hz, and you put 255 cycles in it, the PWM freq would be 246*255, am I wrong?

    Sorry to bother you, but thanks for the attention.

    May 14, 2012 at 2:20 pm

    • The way Aurora controls the LEDs is a bit unusual method of PWM. 127 pulses comprises equivalent of one normal PWM cycle. (I reduced the steps from 255 to reduce flicker)
      The pulses are generated at 85.56 kHz. 127 steps for R/G/B so 85,560/127/3 = 224.6 Hz. This is the “Effective” PWM frequency.

      The numbers are slightly different from the earlier firmware…

      May 15, 2012 at 12:59 pm

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