Art and Technology are Friends

Aurora 48 Preview

Here’s the new project that I’ve been working on.

Aurora 48 has 48 full-color/RGB LEDs, each individually controlled. Each and every 48 LEDs has 7 bit per channel = 2,097,152 possible colors. Like other Auroras brightness curve is gamma corrected so the fades are very smooth.

Using all SMT components, Aurora 48 is compact and low profile. 2.68 inch (68 mm) in diameter and only 0.137 inch (3.5 mm) thick.

Aurora 48 inherits most of its circuit from other Auroras before it. The controller is PIC24FV16KA304 (same as Aurora 18×18), however doubling the RGB bus by the help of a binary decoder chip (74HC238).

- Schematic-rev3a

2 Responses

  1. Mario


    that’s an cool Thing.
    I got mine this week and solder it in 4 Hours.
    Fantastic animations and color.

    Is it possible to extend the number of programs?
    I wish me an automode that change the program after a few minutes.
    And more animations, like an propeller or star that rotating. Various parts of the circle the rotating against.
    And more and more and more. ;-)

    Thank you very much, Sadoi

    November 24, 2013 at 2:47 pm

  2. vahid sadeghpoor

    your works is very nice and like a charmin!
    im glad for visit your site .
    surrey in my country the pic,s same as PIC24FV16KA304 is not founded. i promise your works came in avr versions same as atmega128 etc,
    thanks a lot.

    November 25, 2012 at 5:20 pm

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